The Difference Between Suffering and Whining is the Difference Between Jesus and Me
As I was having my quiet time this morning, and as we approach good Friday on this Maundy Thursday, I was reading a Spurgeon devotion the focus of which was the suffering of Jesus as spoken of by the writer of Hebrews in 5:8.
“Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered.”
Bam! The Holy Spirit gave me the following words that pierced my spirit because, for me, they are both convicting and true. Perhaps they are not true for you, but I was led to share them anyway.
Count it all joy...” What was he thinking? Obviously something very different than I was.
I hope this helps someone. But even if it does not, being faithful to write this brought one desperate man through the fire of conviction, confession, and confirmation that the love of Jesus brings forgives and restores the joy of His salvation bought for me (and you) on the Cross.
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.”
Today (and every day), whether we wash someone else’s feet or not, let’s go figure out ways to love on them.
Your desperate brother in Christ,