“Not all prisons have bars. Some live in the Prison that is your PAST.”


Not all prisons have bars.  Some people live in the Prison that is their PAST.”   

Key Verse:  “Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past.”  (Isaiah 43: 14 NASB)

Talk about over-crowding in our prisons!  This “prison” is SRO with a line out the door waiting to get in.  

The saddest thing about this prison is we sentenced ourselves to do time there.

Stop looking in the rearview mirror of your life.  Only bad things happen when we drive while looking in the rearview mirror.  We run off the road into another one of life’s ditches. Don’t we have enough problems avoiding the ones we can see?  Or we rear-end someone in front of us causing more pain for both.    

All of us have things (sins) in our pasts we do NOT want to show up posted on Facebook. I have great news for you.  Jesus wants you to lay your past behind you, no matter how good or bad, fix your eyes on Him, and walk straight ahead following Him every step of the way.   

Takeaway.  For all who are in Christ, His blood covered our sins so our loving Father God said, “their sins I will remember no more”.  If God can forgive and forget our pasts, so must we.  If you still do not know Jesus as your Savior, why not?  He is waiting for you to choose Him right now.  Then He will forgive and forget your past and usher you into the amazing life that awaits you on the other side of His Cross.