“Not So” Social Media & Addiction
“Not So” Social Media & Addiction
Key Verse: “A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls.” (Proverbs 25: 28 ESV)
Can you imagine what your life and the church would be like if Christians spent even half that time in communion with our God through prayer or reading His Word? Talk about life-altering and world-changing! Too many people, addicted to this cultural phenomenon, allow others to overly influence or control their lives—often destructively.
An Encouraging Word. Self-control is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, given freely to those who seek it. If you find yourself among these dreadful statistics, get out now. Turn off the phone or computer and stop letting other people define you. If you are in Christ, He has clearly done so. You are a son of the most-high God, fully loved, and precious in His sight no matter where you are right now. Your Father cares for you and wants to see you become the man He designed and accomplish all He purposed for you.