“Not all prisons have bars. Some live in the Prison that is your PAST.”
The saddest thing about this prison is we sentenced ourselves to do time there.
The saddest thing about this prison is we sentenced ourselves to do time there.
No matter how you look at it, street view or inside the walls behind the bars, prison can be a dark place. Despite the…
All Men Are Desperate Whether They Admit It or Not opens with a number of sobering statistics about ‘man issues’ in the U.S. That is…
Seven (Un)Characteristics That Can Change the World if Christians own and live them. Faith
The Holy Spirit showed me biblical principles behind “caveat emptor” as He sees it. Throughout the Bible, God gave His people many warnings.
Lessons Men of God Can Learn from “The Wizard of Oz”.
If you never felt rejection, experienced isolation, or dealt with depression, you may safely hit the Delete key. This lesson is not for you.