A Most Unusual Thanksgiving


The Spires’ Thanksgiving weekend was unique this year, to say the least.  My wife came down with a virus Wednesday night that took her out of action for a few days.  I was asked to teach the homeless chapel at Nashville Rescue Mission Friday night due to a late speaker cancellation.  I am always delighted to do that, so I spent much of Friday preparing the message for these men.

It is always an interesting crowd of hundreds of men.  There are those with thankful hearts for all NRM affords them when they are hungry and cold – especially around holidays.  NRM does such a great job extending the heart of God for men and women to meet their physical and spiritual needs.

While I am learning not to take it too personally, some men snore loudly through my messages.  Finally, there are those whose looks toward the podium remind me I am standing between them and their bunks for the night!  (I always speak shorter than the allotted time.)

So I do not have any family pics to post this year, but I am a thankful man on all fronts.  My wife is better.  We finally ate a make-up lunch of “new leftovers” with part of the family.

Perhaps the most meaningful thing this Thanksgiving season for me was this.  I got to spend time with some of God’s humblest men— reminding them of His love for them no matter where they are or what they have done in the past —reminding me (again) how much I have to be thankful for.